Meet Ronald

CERN is a place to thrive and use your talents in this versatile Organization that will challenge you to the furthest extent.

One of the first things I did when I arrived at CERN was to rent a bike. One of the second things I did was to fall off that bike the first time I used it to cycle to work.

Meet Anders

Working at CERN is like a childhood dream coming true.

Hi Anders, tell us a little about you and how you came to CERN.

I am Anders Toft Lernevall, I'm a 36 year-old Danish national. I trained as an Electronics Technician in the Danish military (army branch).  I served the army for a total of 13 years; 5 years in the infantry, being deployed to Kosovo in ’07 and Afghanistan in ’09. Then 8 years as Electronics Technician, both apprentice and journeyman, going to both England and Austria on NATO exercises, and a short tour to Iraq.

LHC tunnel pt1 various angle
LHC tunnel pt1 various angle (Image: CERN)

Meet Katerina

 I was very generously offered the opportunity to undertake various activities and harness my diverse skillset to my heart's content.

Hi Katerina, tell us a little about yourself and what brought you to CERN?

A rich and long career with as ultimate stage CERN: meet Elaine.

My journey to CERN began just over 5 years ago – knowing that I wanted a change, to move and try something new, a soft voice in my head said “hey, have a look at CERN’s website”.  I did and immediately saw the job I knew was for me in CERN’s Talent Acquisition team – at 9 o’clock at night on the closing day of the vacancy notice!  The invitation to complete a video interview arrived much to my surprise and then the invitation to come to CERN for a face to face interview.

Behind the scenes of CERN's Summer Student Programme

It’s June 1st, an important date in the CERN Talent Acquisition team calendar as we prepare to welcome the first of the Summer Students (or ‘Summies’ as they are affectionately known) who take part in the 2017 edition of the programme in a couple of days. It’s been a long road to get to this happy day: Jenny and Eszter, coordinators of the Member State Summer student programme, tell us more about what has been going on these past months, behind the scenes…

Working at CERN means learning something new every single day: meet Roberta, Fellow in the cryogenics group

Hi Roberta, tell us a little about yourself and how you came to CERN

I followed what the majority would define an “eclectic” or “non-standard” path. I took my bachelor in Physics in Italy, my home country, at the University of L’Aquila. When I was enrolled there, I heard about CERN a lot, mostly for the project CNGS and the OPERA and ICARUS detectors, since L’Aquila is very close to the Gran Sasso National Laboratory and many people in the physics faculty were collaborating in the project.